Did you know that we offer the lowest overall cost in the state? Our max. member price is $250, compared with upwards of $3595 with some of our competitors. We do all commodity and commercial bids for you so there are no other third-party fees and your first year is free.
Keep an eye out for updates: Upcoming events, rebates, recalls, new or discontinued items? Browse all of our posts or click on categories for up to the minute information. Check here first. SPARC has you covered.
All SPARC members are invited to our annual Educational Conference and Food Fair. Learn about the food you serve, new items, share stories with your colleagues from across the state and discuss appetizing new menus. Learn more about our next event!
Welcome, SPARC members. Please visit our members only page (login required) to view our PAL reports, download nutrition information supplied directly from manufacturers and make your nominations for our annual scholarship awards.